For the last two decades, EQUiTOR has been at the forefront of bringing brands
into the boardroom. Along with Interbrand, we pioneered the idea of leveraging
Indian brand assets as Growth Accelerators.
A classic brand accelerator story
Titan originally mandated EQUiTOR to assign a defendable value to the Titan
brand asset. The engagement was able to establish the financial value of the
brand and isolate its enterprise value contribution at 62%. But most importantly,
the pivotal insight was the excavation of the three value drivers - Currency of
Design, Pleasure of Purchase, and Personalized Care. Founded on these was
created two change programs viz. Way of Life and Futureshock. The first (Way of
Life) was to ensure that the company was completely aligned with its most
influential asset and hence with its three value drivers. The second (Futureshock)
was to examine how much value the firm could unlock through diversifications
that derived from these values drivers.
In sequence, these two programs resulted in a 3x bump in the 5-year plan, 94% of
which was achieved. Which was Rs. 4900 cr out of the targeted 5100 cr, making
Titan one of the first stand-alone billion-dollar firms in India at the time.
History of growth acceleration
Since we began in 2001, we have covered 275 client relationships across 28
categories, including sovereign governments and the development sector in India,
Sri Lanka, the Far East, and the Middle East. EQUiTOR is the only Indian firm to be
globally certified for its Brand Valuation and Brand Audit practices.
In 2021, India’s leading online business daily, The Mint, invited EQUiTOR as the
knowledge partner to design and curate their inaugural Annual Marketing
Awards. In 2022, with KPMG, we launched the India CX report, which rates nearly
300 firms for return on customer experience.
After two decades of accelerating growth from intangible assets, EQUiTOR is
uniquely positioned to get a hungry firm with high standards to a very different
place, basis an extraction, articulation, and institutionalisation of their WINNING
TRAITS, or what we technically refer to as Value Drivers.
Some of the key issues that drive a disruptive growth engagement
What makes your firm unique? Why do your most loyal customers choose the firm over other options?
1. What is the firm’s “right to win“ in the market space that it currently occupies?
1. Can the firm use the same traits to occupy other spaces? Explore specific new needs? New
customer segments? New markets?
2. How will this convert to a defined set of products/services?
3. How will we reposition the firm to define and appropriate its V2.0?
6. What do we need to change, install and institutionalise to breathe life into V 2.0
Who drives growth acceleration at EQUITOR ?
EQUiTOR has always been an eclectic combination of finance folks, consumer
researchers, strategy buffs, transformation specialists, and Blue Ocean apostles.
Above everything, they are bound by a single-minded drive to isolate and amplify
the best version of any organisation they work with. The fastest and most
efficient way to growth acceleration.
They have the habit of leaving you pondering a little about business as usual, from
the very first time.